10 février 2013


 Le vieux Cheng aimait les jeunes et beaux corps. Il y avait longtemps que même le ginseng le plus rare et le sang de serpent ne produisaient plus aucun effet, mais il appréciait grandement les plaisirs simples, comme de contempler une jeune fille en train de se peigner, les épaules nues, de lui apporter une tasse de thé parfumé, ou de lui masser les jambes avec du baume.
Catherine Lim  La maîtresse de jade Belfond 2000 (The Bondmaid 1995)

Le sang de serpent est aussi offert aux touristes, avertis ou pas.

A well-modulated English voice on the radio was talking about snakes, explaining that the poisonous snakes were in the mountains and the harmless snakes at the coast. "But," went on the voice, "the other day I found one of those harmless snakes in my kitchen sink in Kyrenia. I decided just to leave it and after some time it emerged with a rat in its mouth, which all goes to show you what useful creatures snakes are."
Lady, I wouldn't even have a cup of tea in your kitchen, thought Agatha with a shudder.
M.C. Beaton Agatha Raisin and the terrible tourist 1997

Je seconde la proposition de la couleuvre de La Fontaine, à savoir que l'homme est ingrat. Il dit le contraire ailleurs, avec autant de talent

Pour qui sont ces serpents qui sifflent sur vos têtes?
Racine Andromaque
…No, Freddie was careless. He was bitten by a very tiny, very tame snake, a creature so docile it lives in a lady’s coiffure. »
« Percival! » I cried, nearly upsetting my cup.
The White Rajah winced a little. « That is rather fine Japanese porcelain, my dear. I have so few of them left. »
I settled the cup and gave him a smile by way of apology.
Deanna Raybourn Dark road to Darjeeling Mira 2010

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