07 septembre 2015

Un autre dragon

Noir, celui-là. Aussi avec une voix irrésistible.
He spoke quietly, as empty plates and silver were cleared away before him. « Please have tea with me. » O my, thought the woman to herself. His voice. Lovely English. How wonderful.
Tea with the Black Dragon de R.A. MacAvoy
 Le livre, même en format kindle,

 date de 1983. Aucun téléphone cellulaire mais les ordinateurs sont déjà présents, le 8080 et les écrans verts m'ont rappelé le pdp8 de nos débuts. Album, cassette, aussi anciens qu'un gramophone pour un ado né après 2000.
Après un départ lent comme pour l'autre roman lu sur l'app kindle, j'ai encore accéléré une fois passés les 50% de celui-ci.
« Listen!, » he began, and as he spoke he stirred his spoon in his cup with a silver sound. Mrs. Macnamara noted this gesture with amusement. She was sure that Mr. Long had not taken sugar.
It was the figure of a Chinese dragon. The creature sat up on its hind legs, in a manner reminiscent of the caterpillar in Alice. It held in its left hand a tiny and exquisite teacup, and in its right a saucer. Its tail curled around in front, like a third hand, and held open a book.
It was the tea, she discovered, which was not black but Chinese. Smelled like peaches. Tasted lightly salty. As she sat, craning her neck to stare all around, she began to swing her legs. The chair was too high for her. It made her feel like a little girl.
 J'ai savouré ce conte. 
J'ai beaucoup aimé le premier chapitre fourni comme échantillon pour son voisin,
 Most afternoons he dozed in the plantation chair with the house cat draped over his stomach., his snores riffling the afternoon. He woke up to drink copious amounts of tea with four heaped spoons of sugar in each cup, blissfully unaware that it was wartime and sugar was in short supply.
Teatime for the Firefly de Sonia Patel  2013
que j'ai commandé papier et qui est arrivé avec une couverture différente. Rien ne m'empêchera de le dévorer, nul doute que l'auteure, fille de planteur, aura fourni  d'abondants détails sur la vie dans les jardins de thé.

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