29 juin 2014


Le NYTimes a publié un autre article sur le thé cette semaine, au sujet de Teabox, un jeune commerce en ligne, qui veut livrer des thés indiens plus frais aux consommateurs, s'appuyant sur la technologie pour y arriver.
Almost as soon as the teas are procured fresh from the production centers, Teabox stores them in temperature- and humidity-controlled warehouses. Then, within 48 hours, the teas are checked, vacuum-packed and dispatched to fulfillment centers in major markets such as Russia, the United States and Australia.
J'applaudis. Mais quand je lis qu'on engage des oenophiles pour rédiger les descriptions des thés, je grince.
Taking a cue from the successful wine industry, Teabox is bringing in wine tasters to provide engaging online descriptions for its products. Gone are the flowery but opaque descriptions like “distinctly high-grown character” and “surprising malty nuance.” They have been replaced by more consumer-friendly taster phrases like “light-bodied tea with a slight woodiness in its flavor,” along with detailed steeping instructions.

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