19 décembre 2006

Wuthering Heights

Cathy carried a footstool and her cup to his side. At first she sat silent; but that could not last: she had resolved to make a pet of her little cousin, as she would have him to be; and she commenced stroking his curls, and kissing his cheek, and offering him tea in her saucer, like a baby. This pleased him, for he was not much better: he dried his eyes, and lightened into a faint smile.
Emily Brontë Wuthering Heights 1847
Cathy apporta un tabouret et sa tasse à côté de lui. Elle resta d’abord assise en silence. Mais ce calme ne pouvait durer ; elle avait décidé d’apprivoiser son petit cousin et il fallait qu’elle parvînt à ses fins. Elle se mit à caresser ses boucles, à le baiser sur la joue, à lui offrir du thé dans sa soucoupe, comme à un bébé ; ce qui lui plut, car il n’était guère que cela. Il sécha ses yeux et son visage s’éclaira d’un faible sourire.
Emily Brontë Les hauts de Hurlevent

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