J'ai dévoré ce livre en juillet 2021.
la couverture n'a qu'un très vague rapport avec le titre |
Je le reprends aujourd'hui et compte sur les dates fournies en début de chapitres pour régler ma vitesse de lecture.Je me rappelle que l'an dernier, je relevais, en plus de tout ce qui touchait au fameux bol à thé, les détails concernant l'étrangère à Tokyo, comme son japonais trop fleuri
the strangest Japanese she's ever heard. Robin Swann sounds like a
cross between a time traveler from the samurai era and a politician
caught with both hands in the till. Do all foreigners speak like
that? Nori has never actually talked to one before – Okuda &
Sons doesn't sell to tourists, only to the trade.
son absence de maquillage,
Swann is wearing some sort of business suit under her lab coat, but
her face is disturbingly naked. She's not wearing even a hint of
makeup. Nori is far from a power user herself, but if she were Swann,
she'd have buried the freckles on that otherwise enviable aquiline
nose under some serious foundation, and wouldn't have set foot
outside the house without making an effort to correct that unsightly
ses efforts pour ne pas déplaire
fuming over her treatment at the temple, Robin stops herself before
slamming the door to her apartment, easing it shut with a polite
click instead. She doesn't want to give her neighbors any reason to
label her a Bad Foreigner. It only takes one instance of making too
much noise or failing to put out the recycling properly to undo years
of tiptoeing around and washing every bottle and can before sorting
them into the proper bags.
mais déjà je m'attarde à ceux qui préoccupent les Japonais:
Following the woman down the hall, she wonders if her mother's hair has begun to gray too. Of course, it wouldn't show as much in her mother's bleached curls. Unless she'd stopped coloring them. What if her mother has let her hair revert to its natural black?
car j'apprenais récemment qu'un père avocat avait décidé de poursuivre les écoles qui imposent dans leur code vestimentaire les cheveux noirs, avec obligation pour sa fille de teindre ses cheveux qui sont naturellement bruns. Une recherche en ligne montre que la contestation ne date pas de cette année.
En lisant aussi les chapitres qui se situent dans le Japon féodal et à la fin de la deuxième guerre mondiale, je devrais finir le 17 mai.